Innovative Financing to Create and Sustain Healthy, Equitable Communities


687 Development(s) found.
10 at 8th
1060 Belmont Street
108 Newbury Street
110 Canal Street
110 L Streert
117 Union Street
123 Crawford Street
133 Chandler Street
135 Dudley Street
1463-1469 Dorchester Ave
147 Essex Avenue LLC
1599 Columbus Ave
1734 Washington Street
18-20 Illinois Ave
19 Race Pt Rd-Malone
191 Talbot Avenue
191-195 Bowdoin Street
210 Broadway
210 Highland Ave
2201 Washington Street
225 Centre Street LIHTC
225 Centre Street LLC
24 Walnut Street
25 Sixth Street
27 Everett Ave
270 Huntington Ave
270 Warren Street
275 River Street
293 Alewife Brook Parkway
31-35 Richardson Street
326 Shawmut Ave.
329 South Main Street
33 Cross Street East
33 Sargent Ave
34 Conwell Street
35 Brookley Road
35 Linden St
41 Berkeley Street
470 Main Street
500 Talbot Avenue
52 Sydney Street
54 Newton Place
57-59 Vinal Avenue
59 Willow Street
6 Fort Street
604 Massachusetts Ave.
64 Clarkson St.
657-659 Somerville Ave
71 Westland Ave. II
730 South Main Street
78 Fairmount Avenue
800 Main Street
87 Washington Street
92 Grand Street
93 Centre Street
94 Grant Street
98 Essex Street
Abby's House
ABC marketname
Abington Commons
About Fresh
Academy Homes
Acre High School
Acushnet Commons
Agawam Village
AGO DHCD Community Restoration
Alexander Magnolia
Allston Brighton CDC
AMC Maine Woods II LLC
Amethyst Brook Apartments
Amos House
Anchor Point
Anchor Point II
Apex Resource Technologies
Arch Project
Arts Block LLC
Ashers Path
Atlantic Works
Atlas Lofts
Auburn Apartments
Auburn Court I
Auburn Court II
Austin Corridor II
Austin Court
Austin Street
Baker Street
Bancroft Apartments
Barre City Place
Bartlett Station
Bay State Place
Baystate Total Home Care
BCN Properties
Beacon Brightly, LLC Apartments
Beacon Chapel Street
Beacon Cinema/North Street Cinema Center
Beacon SRO
Beacon State Street
Beaver Apartments
Beaver Brook
Bedford Veterans
Bedford Village & 447 Concord Road Apartments
Beech Glen Condominiums
Benjamin Hill Homes
Benson Woodworking/Unity Homes
Billings Forge Apartments
Bishop Allen Apartments
Bixby Brockton Apartments
Blanchard School
Bliss School Apartments
Bloomfield Gardens
Blue Mountain
BNN Bridge
Boston Bay Apts
Boston Carpenters Training Center
Boston Conservatory
Boston Health Care for the Homeless
Boston Street Crossing
Bow Street
Bowdoin Street Community Center
Boys & Girls Club of Lynn
Boys and Girls Club Pawtucket
Brewery Main Block
Bridge Street SRO
Bridgeport Community Care Center
Bridle Path
Brighton Allston Apartments
Bristol - Bedford Village
Bristol - Blackstone
Bristol - Tecumseh
Bristol - Third Street
Bristol - Wade John
Bristol Boys & Girls Club
Briston Arms
Broad Street Housing
Brook Avenue Cooperative
Brooks House
Bruce Bolling Municipal Building
Brunswick-Holborn Apartments
Building 104
Burbank Gardens
Burbank Street Apartments
Cable Mills
Cabot Housing
Cabot Street House
Cabotville Common
Cady Brook Apartments
Cambria Road Apartments
Cambridge Co-Housing
Cambridge Community Properties
Cameron House
Canal Bluffs
Canal Street
Capitol Square Apartments
Capitol Square Apartments of Arlington
Caring Health Center Inc.
Carter School Apartments
Cass House and Roxbury Hills
CAST Apartments
Center City I and II
Central Annex/Union Court
Central Building
Central House
Central Square Theater Inc.
Ceylon Field Apartments
Chapman Arms
Chelsea Flats
Chelsea Neighborhood Developers
Cherry Hill
Cheshire County Courthouse
Chestnut Crossing
Chestnut Gardens
Chestnut Marlboro Grove
Chestnut Square
Chinatown Community Education Center
Chroma Technology Corp.
Church Street Senior Housing
Cindy's Kitchen
City Fresh Foods
City View Commons I
City View Commons II
Civic Village
Clark University
Clay Pond Cove
Cleaves Court
Codman Square Health Center
Coffin Lofts
Cohen Florence Levine
COHIF Four Corners
Colonial Theatre
Columbia-Brunswick Apartments
Columbia-Wood Apartments
Commerce Apartments
Commonwealth Dairy
Commonwealth Dairy Expansion
Commonwealth Glenville
Community Health and Wellness Center Of Torrington
Community Health and Wellness Center, Winsted Satellite
Community Servings
Community Servings HRCI Loan
Concord Heights
Concord Realty Trust
Continuum of Care
Conway Court
Conwell Street LLC
Copley Gardens
Coppersmith Village
Cornerstone Village
Cortes Street
Cortes Street II
Cottage Brook Apartments
Countryside Village
Craftsman Village Hingham
Crispus Attucks Children's Center
Crocker Cutlery
Cromwell Court Apartments
Cross Street Housing
Cross Town Corner
Cumberland Homes
Daley House
Danube Apartments
Darrell Drive
Dartmouth Hotel
Depot Crossing
Derne Street
Dighton Homeownership Project
Dom Narodowy Polski Apartments
Dorchester Bay LOC
Dorchester Buildable Lots
Downtown Pittsfield Cultural Association
Dudley Street SRO
Dudley Terrace
Dudley Terrace DBEDC
Dudley Village LIHTC
Dudley Village North
E. Henry Twiggs Estates II
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center PACE Center
East Gables
Eastgate (Baymeadow) Apartments
EBECC Library
Edgewinn Apartments
Edith Johnson
Edmands House
Egleston Crossing
Egleston Power Station
Elizabeth Brook Apartments
Elizabeth Stone House
Elizabeth Stone House Inc
Elm Place
Elms College
Enterprise Building
Eustis Street Firehouse
Fair Haven Community Health Care
Fairfield Properties
Fairways at LeBaron Hills
Fairweather Apartments
Fall River YMCA
Falmouth Rd Apartments
Family Nurturing Center
Farm Fresh Rhode Island Food Hub
Farnsworth Art Museum
Fenway Community Health Center
Fitchburg Arts Community
Fitchburg Commons
Florence Chafetz Home for Specialized Care
Florida Street
Fort Avenue Condominiums
Founders' Court
Fr. Walter Martin Coop
FRANK Beverly
Franklin Commons
Franklin Square House
Fraunhofer Center
Freeland Apartments
G.S. Precision
Gardner Crawford Thane
Gardner Terrace
Garfield Place
Generations Family Health Center
Gerrish Retail Partners LLC
Girls Inc. of Lynn
Glen Brook Way Phase I
Go Lab
Good Food Market Bartlett
Goodwill Headquarters
Grace Apartments
Granite Lena Park Apartments
Granite Street Crossing
Grant Manor
Great Bridge
Great Bridge Baker Brook Apartments
Greater Burlington YMCA
Greater Danbury Community Health Center
Greater Lawrence Community Action Council Inc.
Grinnell Mansion
Groundworks Collaborative
Hadley Apartments
Hampden Affordable
Hampshire Pine Apartments
Hano Homes
Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts
Hapgood and Cottage Apartments
Harborlight House
Harborlight House
Harvard Hill
Haverhill Veteran Housing
Haywood House
Hibernian Hall
High Street Commons
Highland Glen 1
Historic McKnight
Holborn Terrace
Holcroft II
Holcroft Park Homes One LP
Holtzer Park
Holyoke Health Center
Holyoke Public Library
Hope and Main Providence Expansion
Hope Bay Apts.
Horizons-Watermark Center
Hostelling International Boston
Hotel Raymond
Howard Dacia Homes
Howland House
Hubbard Trust
Hundred Nights Inc.
Huntington YMCA
Hyde Park Avenue
Hyde Park YMCA
Hyde Square
I and R Group Homes II
I and R Group Homes III
I and R Group Homes IV
Indigo Block
Infill 2
Institute for the Study & Practice of Nonviolence
Irving Square
Island Parkside Phase 2
Jackson Commons
Jackson Commons (JS Redevelopment)
Jackson Road Apartments
Jackson Square Partners
Jaclen Tower
Jacobs Place
Jewel Crossing
John F. Kennedy Apartments
John J. Meany Senior Affordable Housing
Jordi Herold Bridge
JT Housing
Kalife Apartments
Keet & Tamarack Apartments
Kendall SRO
Kenmore Abbey
Kent Street
Kenwyn Apartments
Kenwyn-Quadrangle Redevelopment
Kilby Gardner Hammond
Kimball Court
Knox Residences II
Knox ResidencesI
Landing 53
Langham Court
Lawrence General Hospital Surgical Addition
Lawrence YMCA
Lawtons Corner
Lazarus House
LBB Housing
Leach Street
LeClair Village Apartments
Lenox School House
Lenox Street
Leonard Florence Center for Living
LePage Properties
Leyland Street Senior Housing
LHI-Center for Integrated Treatment and Recovery
Library Commons
Lincoln Lofts
Linden Street Homes
Lithgow Apartments
Littleton Drive
Live 155
Long Glen Properties
Lopes Buildable Lots
Lowell Community Health Center
Lowell Street
Lower Liberty
Lyman School Apartments
MacArthur Terrace
Madison Park LOC
Magnolia Woodford
MAHA â013 1803 Dorchester Avenue
Mahaiwe Theatre
Majestic Apartments
Mandela Apartments
Mandela Homes
Maple Green Limited Partnership
Maple Properties
Maple Woods
Marian Street Duplexes
Mason Square Apartments II
Mass Mills III
McElwain School
Meadow Road
Meadowbrook Apartments
Meeting Street
Melbourne Street
Melnea Residences
Memorial Parish House
Meriden Commons I
Merriam Village
Merrimack Place
MHEF Affiliate Loan 2
Michael E. Haynes Arms
Middlesex Street
Millbrook Lofts
Millbrook lofts (Metro9)
Millinocket Memorial Library, Inc.
Mishawum Park Apartments
Mission Hill NHS-Parcel 25
Mohawk Forest
Moody Street Center
Morville House
Moseley Apartments
Mount Pleasant SRO
MTK Development
Neighborhood Homes
New Bedford Cruz Development
New Court Terrace
New England Public Radio
New Garden Park Inc.
New Port Antonio
New South Street
Newcastle Saranac Apartments
Nicoya Construction LLC
Nobis Engineering Company/Nokode Holdings
Norfolk Design & Construction LLC
North Hill Homes
North Shore CDC LOC
Northampton Residences
Northeast Apartments
NorthStar Learning Center
NSLF Bread and Roses
NSLF Buyer Assistance
NSLF Castle Rock Properties Inc.
NSLF Charle Hope Companies
NSLF Codman Square NDC
NSLF Community Action for Better Housing
NSLF DB Neighborhood Homes
NSLF Father Bill Mainspring
NSLF Lawrence Community Works
NSLF Lorilee LLC
NSLF Main South CDC
NSLF Mattapan Housing Stabilization Initiative
NSLF Nuestra Comunidad Development
NSLF Oak Hill Development Corp
NSLF Piedmont Development
NSLF Rosebrook Community Development
NSLF SpringField NHS
NSLF Stutman-Juhl LLP
NSLF Taunton BID
NSLF The Resource Inc.
NSLF Twin Cities CDC
NSLF Urban Neighborhood Homes LLC
NSLF Viet Aid
NSLF Worcester Common Ground
NSLF Worcester Community Housing Resources
NSLF Worcester East Side CDC
NSLF Worcester Stabilization LLC
Nubian Ascends
Nubian Markets LLC
Nuestra Casaâ014Our House
Nuestra Liberty Fitness Fit-out
Nuestra LOC
Nuestras Casas
Nueva Vida Apartments
Nurtury Learning Lab
Oak Terrace
Oakwood Senior Estates
Old High School Commons
Old Middletown High Apartments
Olmsted Green
Olympia Oaks
Outing Park I
Outing Park II
Pace Border
Palladio Hall
Palmer/Hardwick Sober Housing
Parcel 25
Parker J. Noyes Redevelopment
Parkview SRO
Parmelee Court
Perry Street
Peter's Grove
Phillips Brooks School
Pilot Grove
Pine Homes
Pittsfield Family YMCA
Plantation Apartments
Pomeroy Lane
Pond View Village
Pondview Apartments
Port Landing
Post Road Green
Prang Estates
Preston Rd Leach St
Project Hope
Project Place
Project Place Gateway
Prospect Estates
Prospect Estates Resyndication
Providene, RI
Provincetown Community Housing
Provincetown Heights
Puerta de la Esperanza
Pushkin LLC
Putnam Green
Putnam Square Apartments
Quadrangle Court
Quincy Tower
Rebuilding Together
Reviviendo Family Housing
Richards Apartments
Ridgewood Village II
River Valley Co-op
Roadway Apartments
Robert Fortes House
Rockville Estates-Nuestra LOC
Rolling Green
Rosewood Way
Rourke Realty
Roxbury Corners
Roxbury Place I
RTG Medical Headquarters
RTH Community Center
RTH Community Housing
Rural Development/SpikeSegundo
S.C. Hamilton Apartments
Salem Heights
Salem Point Apartment
Sanctuary Lane
Sanderson Place
Sanel Block Redevelopment
Sanford Apartments
Sargent Prince
Sargent West Apartments
Saunders School
Sawyer Hill CoHousing
Schoolhouse Brookledge Cummins
Schoolhouse Kenilworth Williams
Sergeant House
Shepard Street Apartments
Shillman House
Simon C Fireman Expansion
Sister Clara Muhammed
Sitkowski School Apartments
SLIHTC Bridge-Hunter Place
SLIHTC Bridge-Live155
Somerville 100 Homes Initiative Line of Credit
South Canal
South City
South Cove Manor Nursing
South End Apartments
South End Residence Inn
South River Partnership LLC
Southgate Place
Southside Community Land Trust
Spear Street SRO
Spike Segundo LLC
Spike Segundo Permanent Loan
Squirrel Brand Apartments
St Joseph Hall
St. James Commons
St. Jean Baptiste
Stafford Heights
State LIHTC Bridge Loan - Briston Arms
State Street Apartments
Station Lofts
Stevens Corner
Stony Brook Gardens
Stony Brook Westford
Stop & Compare Lynn Marketplace
Summer St. Redevelopment
Summerhill Glen
Susan Bailis Assisted Living
Sussman House
Swift Factory
Symphony Apartments
Talbot Ave
Tapley Court
Tapley School
Temple Landing
The Cushing Companies/The Community Builders
The Finch
The Holmes at Beverly
The Record Company
The TILL Building
TND Gerrish Fit Out Loan
TND Homes I
Torrey Woods
Traditions of Dedham Assisted Living
Treehouse Easthampton
Tremont Village
Triangle Project
Tribune Apartments
TriTown Landing
TriTown Landing
Trolley Square
Turtle Creek
Twin Cities CDC
UHomes at 90 Antwerp Street
Union Crossing Commercial
Union Crossing Residential
Union Rand SRO
Unity Place
Uphams Corner Apartments
Urban Edge Apartments
Urban Guild
UTEC Woodworking Social Enterprise Center
Van de Heyden
Verdean Garden Apartments
Vicente's Tropical Grocery
Victoria Apartments
Village at Park River Phase V
Viviendas Apartments
Voces de Esperanza
Voces De Espernza 2
W. Concord Assisted Living
Wakeman Boys & Girls Club
Walker Park
Walkover Commons
Walnut House
Wamsutta Apartments
Wardman Apartments
Warren Apartments
Warren Apartments II
Warren Palmer
Wash Cycle Laundry
Water Mill Apartments
Waterford Place
Way Finders Housing Center
Webb Building
Weidmann NCIC Board Co.
West Baltimore Condominiums
West Barnstable Communities
Westbrook Village Phase 1
Westminster Avenue
Westminster Court
Wheel House Apartments I
Whittier Street Apartments Phase 2
Whittier Street Apartments Phase 2A
Wilder Gardens Apartments
Wilkins Glen
Windfield Family Apartments
Windfield Senior Estates
Windrush Commons (910 Main Street)
Winsted Health Clinic
Winston Lucerne
Winter Gardens
Winter Gardens LLC
Worcester Courthouse
Worcester Telegram
Worcester YWCA
Worthen Street
Worthington Commons
Yarmouth Gardens
Yellow Barn Business Accelerator
YWCA Fina House
Zumix Firehouse Inc