Developments > Bristol - Tecumseh
Located in the Niagra section of the city, this project involved the substantial rehabilitation of four buildings on two parcels of land to create nine units of affordable housing. The loan was one of five (for a total of $5.6 million) involving the acquisition and rehabilitation of 16 properties with 60 units of housing in New Bedford and Fall River.
Bristol - Tecumseh
Project at a Glance:
Fall River
Development Type:
Rental,Senior Housing
Project Type:
MHIC Financing:
$827,914 in LIHTC financing
Bristol Communties Revitalization, Inc.
Number of Units:
Located in the Niagra section of the city, this project involved the substantial rehabilitation of four buildings on two parcels of land to create nine units of affordable housing. The loan was one of five (for a total of $5.6 million) involving the acquisition and rehabilitation of 16 properties with 60 units of housing in New Bedford and Fall River.