Developments > Cheshire County Courthouse
A new courthouse has been built in Keene, the county seat of Cheshire County. This 49,000-square-foot building houses and consolidates the county's Probate, Superior, Family and 8th Circuit District Courts. Those courts had been scattered in various crowded, inefficient and insecure locations. Keeping the courts in downtown Keene will help the downtown remain vibrant and retain 35 direct jobs at the courthouse. In addition to the jobs impact, the court employees, visitors, and lawyers will create significant economic activity – approximately $1 million in annual expenditures for downtown businesses including restaurants and retail.
Cheshire County Courthouse
Project at a Glance:
Development Type:
Project Type:
New Construction
MHIC Financing:
$4,331,814 in NMTC financing
Monadnock Economic Development Corp.
A new courthouse has been built in Keene, the county seat of Cheshire County. This 49,000-square-foot building houses and consolidates the county's Probate, Superior, Family and 8th Circuit District Courts. Those courts had been scattered in various crowded, inefficient and insecure locations. Keeping the courts in downtown Keene will help the downtown remain vibrant and retain 35 direct jobs at the courthouse. In addition to the jobs impact, the court employees, visitors, and lawyers will create significant economic activity – approximately $1 million in annual expenditures for downtown businesses including restaurants and retail.