Developments > Go Lab
A qualified equity investment (QEI) of $18,515,000 in MHIC NE CDE II Subsidiary 59 to make a qualified low-income community investment (QLICI) totaling $17,959,550 to finance the fit out and operations of a 600,000 square foot wood-based insultation product manufacturing plant in Madison, ME. This will be a two CDE transaction and MHIC will partner with co-CDE Vermont Rural Ventures (VRV).
Go Lab
Project at a Glance:
Development Type:
Go Lab, Inc.
A qualified equity investment (QEI) of $18,515,000 in MHIC NE CDE II Subsidiary 59 to make a qualified low-income community investment (QLICI) totaling $17,959,550 to finance the fit out and operations of a 600,000 square foot wood-based insultation product manufacturing plant in Madison, ME. This will be a two CDE transaction and MHIC will partner with co-CDE Vermont Rural Ventures (VRV).