Developments > Southside Community Land Trust
To finance the adaptive reuse of a vacant and dilapidated building into headquarters for SCLT, space for its youth enterprise program, expand and upgrade facilities for aggregating, storing, distributing and processing produce from low-income farmers, add neighborhood retail spaces available to MBE entrepreneurs including green grocer to expand access to affordable fresh food, and create more sales outlets for farmers’ products.
Southside Community Land Trust
Project at a Glance:
Development Type:
Southside Community Land Trust
To finance the adaptive reuse of a vacant and dilapidated building into headquarters for SCLT, space for its youth enterprise program, expand and upgrade facilities for aggregating, storing, distributing and processing produce from low-income farmers, add neighborhood retail spaces available to MBE entrepreneurs including green grocer to expand access to affordable fresh food, and create more sales outlets for farmers’ products.